Green Muslims
Green Muslims is a volunteer-driven, community-based organization that acts as a resource for environmental eduation, action and reflection within the Muslim community.
Who's it for? Muslims interested in the climate crisis.
Green Muslims is a volunteer-driven, community-based organization that acts as a resource for environmental eduation, action and reflection within the Muslim community.
Who's it for? Muslims interested in the climate crisis.
The Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) works with Jewish Institutions to improve their sustainability through energy conservation and renewables.
Who's it for? People of Jewish faith interested in the climate crisis.
The Catholic Climate Covenant encourages Catholic Institutions to join the fight against climate change and helps to guide the Church's public climate response.
Who's it for? Catholics interested in the climate crisis, as well as Catholic leaders from priests to the Pope.
Interfaith Power and Light is a network of American organizations working to educate congregations from all faith traditions about the moral and ethical need to address climate change.
Who's it for? People of all faiths interested in the climate crisis.
The Laudato Si’ Movement is a response to Pope Francis' call for Catholics to care for the Earth and take urgent action against the injustices of climate change.
Who's it for? Catholic climate activists.